
Read to Ride Astonishes with Second Year Gains

By on May 29, 2018 in In the News |

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Read to Ride Mission Marshall


This Year 324 Marshall ISD Third Graders earned a brand new bicycle and helmet

Thanks to your unending generosity this year’s Read to Ride Rode to Astonishing second year success!  More than $22,000 dollars were raised from mostly small donors of $75 or less!  Along with all of you Christus Good Shepherd Medical Center pitched in to lower helmet costs by 50% a savings this year of over $2,500.  Along with Christus the Lions Club of Harrison County was our top giver this year by donating a generous  $5000 towards this years goal!  Thank all of you so much!


The Marshall ISD Teachers along with volunteers and administrators worked tirelessly to encourage our young readers along the way.  These educators along with the vital support of these student’s families, friends and mentors allowed these students to break through with a new record number of winning students.  This achievement and drive increased the number of student’s meeting their Accelerated Reading goal by 18% qualifying them to earn their very own brand new bicycle and helmet.  Along with this fantastic increase the students overall numbers for the district increased the district’s overall end of the year 3rd Grade AR level from 2.3 in 2015/16  to 3.1 in 2016/17 and  3.4 2017/18.  This increased these young reader’s ability by 1.3 which represents an entire Grade Level in achievement plus 3 months!  Wow. . . As many of you know Mission Marshall decided to target this grade due to research showed to us by the District that third grade was a critical year in a student’s life for gauging long term student success.   It has been discovered that if a student is able to read on level by the end of their third grade year it shows a high probability that their chances of lifelong success increase substantially, including higher graduation rates, which relate to better opportunities to improve their lives and our communities!

Why did Mission Marshall pick 3rd Graders?  This is why from the Annie E. Casey Foundation research from 2010


Reading to LearnLearning to Read to Reading to LearnReading proficiently by the end of the third grade (as measured by NAEP at the beginning of fourth grade) can be a make-or-break benchmark in a child's educational development. Up until the end of third grade, most children are learning to read. Beginning in fourth grade, however the are reading to learn, using their skills to gain more information in subjects such as math and science, to solve problems, to think critically about what they are learning, and to act upon and share that knowledge in the world around them. Up to half of the printed fourth-grade curriculum in incomprehensible to students who read below that grade level, according to the Children's Reading Foundation. And three quarters of students who are poor readers in third grade will remain poor readers in high school, according to researchers at Yale University.


Annie E. Casey - Quote on 4th Grade Reading






Astonishing Results!

3.3 3rd Grade End of Year AR Level –  88 Bikes Earned


2.9 3rd Grade End of Year AR Level –  53 Bikes Earned


3.7 3rd Grade End of Year AR Level –  84 Bikes Earned


3.7 3rd Grade End of Year AR Level –  99 Bikes Earned


Would you like to get involved?  You can join us in mentoring kids this coming Fall or Donate today!

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